Weller Full Proof Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Introducing Weller full-proof bourbon, for the whiskey lover who demands the best! With a perfect balance of rich mouth feel and robust notes of vanilla and oak, this non-chill filtered whiskey is sure to satisfy. Perfect for whiskey connoisseurs who demand the best, this non-chill filtered bourbon was crafted to honor Augustus Weller, the man who made wheated bourbons legendary. Celebrate the man who made wheated bourbon legendary with this premium spirit like no other. Get your hands on a bottle today and experience a taste that will keep you coming back for more!
More about Weller Full Proof Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Looking for smooth, refined bourbon that won't burn your throat? Weller Full Proof Bourbon has you covered. With its unique 114 proof and non-chill filtered blend, it's the perfect balance of smoothness and flavor. Enjoy the taste of premium craftsmanship with every sip, as this full proof bourbon is filled in its barrels at the original proof recorded when it was entering. This bourbon does not involve chill filtration for preserving all the organically occurring flavors and oils, which appear to be cloudy when chilled. As per the company, this high-proof, non-chill filtered version offers great satisfaction and flavor. Enjoy notes of dark cherries, caramel, toasted oak, crème brulee, and chocolate - all in one glass. Don't wait any longer - get your hands on Weller Full Proof Bourbon today!
Weller Full Proof Bourbon Whiskey 750ml Flavor
Experience the world's finest full proof bourbon with Weller's unique and bold flavor! This signature Weller Full Proof Bourbon is made with the highest-quality ingredients, giving it a nose of vanilla, dark cherries, and caramel, balanced with caramel and toasted oak on the palate. The finish is long and smooth, leaving behind tantalizing notes of crème brûlée and chocolate.