Yellowstone Select Bourbon Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Limestone Branch is one of Kentucky's top bourbon distilleries. Yellowstone Bourbon is handpicked from a blend of 4 and 7-year-old bourbons, creating a delicate fusion of flavors. This exclusive old-fashioned whiskey honors the family's deep roots in the distilling business, going back seven generations. Yellowstone Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey is an unforgettable straight bourbon.
Yellowstone is a small batch bourbon release with a distinct flavor profile. A blend of 4 and 7-year-old straight bourbon whiskey (the oldest being 13-year-old) is hand-selected from the rickhouse by the master distiller. The Whiskey is then finished in barrels toasted over open flames for 3 days and patiently aged until it achieves a delicate fusion of flavors.