Michter’s Toasted Barrel Finish Rye Whiskey 750ml
Michter's Toasted Barrel Finish Rye Whiskey is a premium American rye whiskey known for its rich, complex flavor profile. This limited-edition expression begins with their signature rye whiskey, which is aged in carefully selected barrels and then given a unique finishing process. After the initial aging, the whiskey is transferred to specially toasted barrels, where it gains additional depth, complexity, and a touch of sweetness.
The result is a whiskey with a smooth, balanced character that combines the bold spice and herbal notes typical of rye with subtle vanilla, caramel, and oak flavors imparted from the toasted barrels. The finish is long and warming, with a rich, smooth texture that lingers on the palate. This whiskey is highly regarded for its intricate layers of flavor and its refined, luxurious profile, making it a standout in the world of American rye whiskeys.