Johnnie Walker Green Label Scotch Whisky 750ml
Johnnie Walker Green Label is back, and this time it’s here to stay. Crafted from a palette of Speyside, Highland, Lowland and Island malts and matured for at least 15 years, it delivers all the character of a single malt whisky, but with a greater depth of flavor. Johnnie Walker Green Label is a truly unique blend to savor while you sit-back and unwind.
In creating Johnnie Walker Green Label, Jim Beveridge, the Johnnie Walker Master Blender, set out to craft a whisky with a taste experience which can’t be found in any one single malt whisky. Jim’s extraordinary knowledge of Scotland’s malts helped him decide on a balance of Speyside, Highland and Lowland malts and more intense whiskies from the Scottish islands, each of them carefully matured for a minimum of 15-years in American and European oak casks.