Johnnie Walker Red Label Scotch Whisky 750ml
Johnnie Walker Red Label is our Pioneer Blend, the one that introduced our whisky to the world. Highly versatile and with universal appeal, it has a bold, distinctive flavor that shines through even when mixed. Johnnie Walker Red Label is now the best-selling Scotch Whisky around the globe. Perfect for parties and get-togethers, at home, or going out. Enjoy with friends.
In 1909, ‘Special Old Highland Whisky’ was renamed Johnnie Walker Red Label and a legend was born. Imbued with pioneering spirit from the outset, Johnnie Walker Red Label traveled “wherever ship could sail”. With its bold flavor and versatile character, it mixed well socially and made friends all around the globe. Today, it is the world’s best-selling Scotch Whisky, available in more than 180 countries.
Johnnie Walker Red Label has won more than thirty major awards, including two Le Monde Selection Grand Golds and three golds at the International Wine and Spirit Competition.